
A pinup for a friend's comic I'm working on.
Still chugging away at the Chernobyl idea, but it's gravitated more towards story at this point than artwork. I promise I'll post some stuff if I start drawing it again.
A sketch a day keeps the voices away.
A pinup for a friend's comic I'm working on.
Still chugging away at the Chernobyl idea, but it's gravitated more towards story at this point than artwork. I promise I'll post some stuff if I start drawing it again.
Some sketches from a (thankfully) dry outing to Desconso Gardens today with Scotty, Anand, and the "Society of Distracted Arists" aka SODA. I was experementing with my new water brush takes some getting used to, and reminds me that I (still) need to learn how to paint at some point. It's on the to-do list.
We were also joking about how we were painting flowers, and if we were old ladies, we'd frame them and put them in the bathroom.
Here are some more delicate flowers from Swork Cafe this morning...please say they're hip, or they'll just CRY. ;)