Pink Diamond

A sketch a day keeps the voices away.


Mood: cynical

Subject: Anorexia Girl. She was on Dr. Phil this afternoon. Normally I'm not usually attracted to drawing morbid subjects, but for some reason this girl fascinated me. It looked like she was about my size and age when she started having the disorder, but she also had these really strange features and kind of a mis-shapen nose.

She was probably in her mid 20s, but she looked at least 70. She kept this creepy poker face, shaking and rocking around involuntarily as she sat on the couch. Plus wardrobe had her in some strange dress it looked like they'd pilfered from the local Salvation Army.

I guess she'd tried and failed to get better at 6 different treatment centers, and good ol' Dr. Phil was sending her on to number 7, which I'm sure will be a life-changing turnaround for all, and not a tragic continuation of status quo.

Viva life!


Simpsonic Wonderment of Glee

Who's this sexy man? Cargo pants, latte-in-hand, devil-may-care watch? It could only be one man. One man--of hotness.

Taking a Simpsons test today...this is my third day of work on the thing. So far, so good, although I got loads of help Wednesday night from a good friend of mine who works on the show...and was also cool enough to get me the test in the first place.

"Maybe I should be...working?"

Also, my cat is now addicted to raffia. She pounces on it, carries it away in her mouth, chews on it, and howls and bites when I try to take it away from her. Last night I think she ate a piece of it. But don't worry. I'll see it again soon. Reeeaaal soon. In a litter scoop.