Scotty and I have been watching "Life in the Undergrowth" with David Attenborough. It's a documentary about bugs. Among other things, we're learning that spiders are creepy, and wasps are evil. Every single wasp we've seen outlined on this documentary is either stealing another insect's babies or laying eggs in its head. Good times.
I've also updated the "Links" section with a bunch of random blogs I've been turning to for inspiration. I don't know any of these people, but I LOVE their work. So go check them out, get inspired, and then proceed to feel hopelessly artistically inadequate. :P
In other news, I killed myself getting the "Sparkles and Gloom" character layouts done because I thought they were going to the TDs today. Turns out I have another week. *sigh* Oh well. At least it'll be an easy one.