Pink Diamond

A sketch a day keeps the voices away.


Storyboarding Lesson #4

It says,

Lesson 4: Long hours are to be expected...sort of.

On a happier, less afraid-I'm-not-going-to-last-two-weeks-at-this-gig note, here are some pictures of Maia, after having had a much-needed bath.


Just thinkin...

...about all the shit I've learned in the three years I've been working at this.

Namely, college isn't forever, storyboarding is fun, and you're always learning new crap, even when you think you're not. And I don't just mean about drawing.


Meme Time

Behold, the John Campbell facerub meme.

I got a storyboard job on Wow Wow Wubbzy! Soon I will no longer be able to harass my boyfriend at work because he's in the office next door to me. Soon, I will be drawing on paper--wow!