Pink Diamond

A sketch a day keeps the voices away.


Oil painting WHAT?!!1!

Unemployment book-ended by full-time work is the best thing ever. I feel great. I've been doing a lot of things, namely finishing my curtains, cleaning the apartment, and finishing this massive oil painting as a pseudo-surprise housewarming present for my parents, who have just bought a condo in Hawaii and don't read this blog.

It's not quite done yet, but another session and I think it might be there. This was my first time working in oils since art school, and it was surprisingly easy.

I've just started making some bad-ass recycled refrigerator magnets:

In addition to that, I'm baking a lot, doing some freelance, and reading a lot of library books. Aaaah...what a life. :)


Strange day...

Farewell, Nameless Preschool Show. I'll always remember your reasonable pay and rounded corners. For the record, this situation was pretty much the essence of all my storyboard pitches. Good times.