Pink Diamond

A sketch a day keeps the voices away.


More Painting

Still trying to get my painting groove in's a sample from two weekends ago, at Point Mugu. Scott and I went hiking and I tried my hand at some painting on the beach. For some reason, I kept thinking of Bob Ross, that painting guy who used to be on channel 9. "Let's add some happy little waves here! Good, good..."

Also, thanks to one of my directors at work, the fabulous Lou Romano (of Incredibles fame) will be doing a couple of paintings of the Duck gang! I am sooo excited to see them, I can't wait! I also picked up Art of The Incredibles, which is chock full of art greatness. The maquettes at the front alone--wOw!

Nothing much new on the production front, still just waiting for a contract. I have, however, submitted my logline:
"Three friends take a babysitting job and discover their "darling" charge is anything but! What will they do? How will they survive? And, most importantly, when are they getting paid?!"